Nurturing Talent and Innovation: Operations at Altiam CX

Wilber Ayala

Senior Director of Service Delivery
, Altiam CX
February 2, 2024
min read

A Conversation with Wilber Ayala, Director of Operations

In a world where change is the only constant, nurturing employees and embracing innovation is the best way to find success in the competitive CX marketplace. Wilber Ayala, Director of Operations, sheds light on Altiam CX 's operational approach to talent development, transparency, and forward-thinking strategies.


Altiam CX has invested significantly in technology, especially in providing the best tools for employees. Ayala points out that he and the rest of the team are keeping a close eye on artificial intelligence (AI), knowing that it will increasingly be essential to enhancing client experiences and facilitating convenience. A guiding principle for Altiam CX is to constantly adapt to change and collaborate with clients to understand their needs, paving the way for mutual growth and success.


A standout aspect of Altiam CX's approach is its commitment to transparency. Ayala emphasizes the widespread effort to avoid any employee favoritism and rely instead on a merit-based environment that fosters career development. The company's dedication to hiring individuals whose training and aptitude align with specific positions and then offering support for their ongoing professional growth affirms the overall investment in employees' success.

Work Environment

Altiam CX's operational headquarters in Altia Smart City is a unique workspace that combines business towers, restaurants, a shopping center, a college facility, and contiguous healthcare institution, creating a convenient, hospitable environment for employees that is conducive to great performance. The amenities available align with the company's philosophy of nurturing its employees both professionally and personally.

Career Development

Ayala underlines the importance of clear communication regarding career development opportunities, providing flexibility for employees pursuing higher education, and fostering an environment where personal fulfillment outside the company also is encouraged. Altiam CX's commitment to supporting the career goals of its employees demonstrates their belief that happy, fulfilled employees contribute to a thriving work environment.

Employee Experience

Dedication to long-term employee relationships includes understanding their expectations. Altiam CX encourages employees to express their expectations in terms of work and the company, which helps to create alignment with the organization's vision and contributes further to mutual success. Two-way communication sets the tone for employee experience within the company and underscores the value Altiam CX places on its employees as individuals.


A testament to Altiam CX's commitment to excellence is the drive to have a different mentality than the rest of our industry. For Ayala and his colleagues, delivering world-class customer service is dependent on honesty and a straightforward approach. By setting high expectations from the outset, Altiam CX aims to create an environment where employees are motivated to consistently deliver excellence, built on a supportive culture that fosters growth and innovation.

Excellence in Action

A compelling success story comes from Altiam CX’s work with a client that involved a collaborative effort to understand the client's operations. This hands-on approach exemplifies the company's dedication to being a true business partner, beginning with identifying and addressing pain points and aligning strategies. The client's trust in Altiam CX's insights and suggestions demonstrated the strength of the partnership and contributed to greater overall success.

A key differentiator for Altiam CX is the harmonious combination of a dynamic team and an innovative, forward-thinking mentality. Starting with a holistic view of the client's needs is the first step in building a shared commitment to success. The fusion of exceptional talent with a strategic focus on innovation defines Altiam CX as a resilient, effective, and client-centric entity in the market.


Ayala identifies his personal motivation in the positive impact that he and Altiam CX create in people's lives. He celebrates the connection forged with employees from the hiring stage, a product of aligning their expectations with the company's goals. This early connectivity not only shapes a positive work environment but also contributes to the company's ability to fulfill its employees' career aspirations, ultimately translating into a positive impact on clients.

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